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Newbury author to =Parcel 24, 2019--JOURNAL OPINION--Page 5
present at Bookstock co.t;n.e. om page 1) N0rthstar takes second Housewright team
WOODSTOCK, VT--The l lthan- at fireworks competition completed Prouty
nual literary festival, Bookstock, ther, e," Danforth said.
held in Woodstock July 26 to 28 SHERBROOKE, QC--Northstar NEWBURY--The Craig Hervey
will feature local Newbury author 'I applaud your plans," Fireworks of East Montpelier Housewright Construction Team
and historian, Michelle Arnoskyby Alex Nuti-de Biasi selectboard chair Darwin Clogston represented the United States this Wild Riders cycled in the 38th
said. past week at the Sherbrooke Annual Prouty fundraising event on
Sherburne as one of the presenters. CONCORD--The New Hampshire Woodstock. Danforth offered $7,500 for the International Fireworks Competi- July 12 and 13. The Prouty is a two-
Bookstock has two days ofpresen- Supreme Court has upheld a deci- Gov. Chris Sununu, who had property. At Monday night's meet- tion La Fete Du Lac Des Nations, day athletic event that raises funds
tations by 45 authors and poets sion by a state regulatory body to supported Northern Pass, issued a ing, the selectboard counteroffered taking secondplace overall, to benefit the Dartmouth-Hitchcock
including former Vermont Gov. reject the Northern Pass.statement saying, "The Court has $7,800, which they said was the
Madeleine Kunin, Vermont Poet Although the 192-mile high made it clear-it is time to move on." Severalpyrotechniccompanies Norris Cotton Cancer Center, one
Laureaute Chard deNiord and car- voltage transmission line project, He said there were other clean appraised value ofthe land. Danforth competed from July 16-21, with of 49 National Cancer Institute-
toonist Ed Koren. which would cross a large swath of energy proj ects available to New accepted the counteroffer. Northstar Fireworks lighting up the designated Comprehensive Cancer
Separately, the selectboard also sky on July 18 with a pyrotechnic Centers inthe country, andthe only
Sherburne will deliver a lecture northern and eastern Graf[on County, Hampshire and New England that authorized Codling to disp0se of spectacle that ignited the night with one in northern New England.
on the St. Albans Raid at 2 p.m. on already received its federal permit- could be developed, over 30 granite blocks, which an unparalleled barrage of color, This year's Team Wild Riders--
Friday at the Woodstock History ting, it has been nnable to secure its For its part, NorthernPasssaidit remain on the parcel after the light, andsound. HousewrightemployeeJodiOvens
Center on Elm Street. She also will state permits. The Eversource-led was reviewing the decision before buildings were razed. Danforth said Thetheme forthe show was "The and fellow cyclist, Nick Schmid--
be a vendor representing the St. project submitted its application to determining how to move forward, she hoped to obtain several ofthem Fire Within," a celebration of the participated in the Prouty Ulti-
Albans History Museum on the theNewHampshireSiteEvaluation Northern Pass announced its for the field as a nod to the 1900 inner force that burns in each ofus. Mate, in which bikers rode for a
Green along with other authors and Committee in 2015. plans in 2010. Early in its develop- home that once occupied the plot. With this show, Northstar Fire- total of 200 miles through the
exhibitors. After public hearings, site visits, ment, one route under consideration Codling said another resident had works encouraged spectators to see Vermont andNew Hampshire coun-
During the 150th anniversary of and adjudicative hearings, a SEC would have crossedBath, Haverhill, expressed an interest in the blocks their emotions come to life and rise tryside. This marked the 1 lth year
the St. Albans Raid, Sherbume subcommittee denied the applica- Piermont, and Orford even prompt- aswell, in the sky just like the bright that the Wild Riders have taken part
released her History Press book on tion in 2018, citing Eversource's ing a public hearing at Haverhill Codling said the precinct and pyrotechnic sparks thatengulfedthe in the Prouty, and this year they
the raid. Highlighting the little- failure to demonstrate that Northern Cooperative Middle School. But town highway departments collabo- sky. This fireworks display brought raised a total of $5,775 for NCCC.
known infamous Vermont Civil War Pass would not adversely impact Northern Pass dropped that alter- rated to fill in a cellar hole on the out the precious flame that powers When asked why this ride is so
event, Sherburne examines how the "the orderly development of the nate route from consideration in property after the buildings were the lives in us, to guide everyone to important to her, Ovens said, "You
raid was one ofnumerous Confed- region.' That was one of four 2011to focus on the North Country torndown, the stars."TheFire Within" was a never know whose life in the Upper
erate undercover missions con- criteria Northern Pass had to meet and the I-93 corridor to a proposed In other business, Codling, who powerful and above all, an inspiring Valley might be improved because
ducted to undermine President to win SEC approval, terminal in Franklin, New Hamp- took over the post oftown manager show meant to touch the audience' s of the funds that we all raise
Abraham Lincoln's government. In doing so, the committee, shire.
She will share the planning, execu- according to the court's decision, Email:editor@l' inApril, toldtheselectboardofher soul and mind. together for this event. Whetherthe
tion and repercussions of the 21 found that construction would have goals for the next 12 months. She TomSwensonandEvanWellsof funds are used to create new life
Confederate soldiers who raided the an impact on traffic in the affected reviewed approximately two dozen Northstar Fireworks were the cho- saving treatments or whether they
town and simultaneously robbed communities. The committee also objectives ranging from updating reographers of the show and were are used to offset financial burdens
personnel procedures and uploading pleased to bring home a second for local families, then HooYah!
three banks, noted that the New Hampshire FOOD PANTRY town ordinances to the municipal place finish in their first interna- Two daysofriding, saddle soreness
Sherburne has been in the Department of Transportation was NORTH HAVERHILL--A food pantry
newspaper business for over 30 never provided an acceptable final for the Haverhill area is located in the website to developing capital im- tional fireworks competition. Addi- and a goofy bike tan are well worth
years. She is the production and survey of the rights ofway to be used downstairs of theTrinity Church of the provement plans and integrating a tional Crew members were Jon it!"
marketing manager at the Journal so the precise location of the Nazarene. The pantry is open from 9 to dedicated maintenance department Winter, Jon Deerfield, Chris
Opinion in Bradford: undergrounbd components could 10:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of each into future budget planning. Swenson, and Randy Hunt.
month and is open to Bath, Benton, Email." editor@l'
The three-day event features a not be known. Piermont, Haverhill, Haverhill Comer,
massive secondhand book sale, Eversource eventually appealed North Haverhill, East Haverhill, Pike,
virtual reality demo tent, food court the decision to the NH Supreme Woodsville, Swifiwater, Mountain Lakes,
and live music as well. Bookstock is Court. Center .Haverhill, Warren, Newbury and PEACHAM CORNER GUILD
produced by volunteers, nonprofits On July 19, the court published Wells River residents. Donations may be PEACHAM--Peacham Comer Guild
and businesses in the Woodstock its 31 -page decision upholding the left at the church on Sunday or during open open Tuesday to Sunday, 10-5. Featuring
hours, small antiques, fine handcrafted gifts and
area and is sponsored by Sustainable site evaluation committee's finding. Specialty foods. 643 Bayley Hazen Road,
Woodstock. All events are free and The decision stated that the Peacham, 802-592-3332.
open to the public.
subcommittee' s findings were "sup-
ported by competent evidence and
are not erroneous as a matter of
About a third of the project was
to be buried, including a section
along Route 116 in Franconia and
Easton and then along Route 112
through Kinsman Notch to North
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