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Page 6---JOURNAL OPINIONmJuly 24, 2019
Thelma Rodriguez
1925 - 2019
HARDWICK--Thelma E. Rodriguez
of Hardwick, 94, passed away peace-
fully July 16, 2019 at The Manor nursing
home with the love of her family with her.
Thelma was born on April 10, 1925
in Sandown, NH, the daughter of the late
Ernest and Ira (Sherburne) Fletcher. At
the age of 15 months, she and her family
B RADFO~ July 18 at 2:11 p.m the Bradford Police Department received
thefamily. Clinic, PO Box 760, Hardwick, VT areportofatwovehiclecollisionnear548Route5,ontheUpperPlaininBradford. ORANGE COUNI~{
Arrangements are in the care ofthe 05843; or Justice for Dogs, 1014 N Betty French, 88, ofTopsham, waspullingoutofOxbowHairDesign'sdriveway SUPERIOR COURT-
des GroseiUiers Funeral Home. Friends WolcottRoad, Wolcott, VT05680;or and thought she had enough time to pull onto Route 5 and travel south when her CRIMINAL DIVISION
wishing to convey condolences may do to The Manor, Inc. (activities fund) 577 vehiclewasstruckbyRolandMoore,87,ofWoodsville.Betty'shusbandErnest
so at Washington Highway, Morrisville, VT Frenchwasinthepassengersideofhervehicleandneitherwere]njuredinthecrash.heardCHELSEA--The followingcaseswerebefore Judge Michael J. Harris
Donations may be made in her 05661-8972. Roland Moore sustained a scratched elbow. Both vehicles sustained moderate at Orange County Criminal Division in
damage and had to be towed from the scene. Betty French was given a waming for Chelsea on July 10 and all defendants
memory to the Hardwick Veterinary vehicle emergingfromdriveway.
were released without bail, unless
noted otherwise.
HAVERHILL--On July 1, Haverhill Police arrested Jason Clegg, 45, of Twenty charges were dismissed
Randolph, VT for driving after revocation/suspension. Clegg will appear in Haverhill against Dominick A. Bailey Jr 53, of
Vershire. They were: unlawful trespass
District Court on Aug. 6. on land on April 3, 2018; three counts
Marilyn Hatch-Ruiter
1937 - 2019
of violation of abuse prevention order
On July 3, Haverhill Police arrested Justin Cacilhas, 31, of Haverhill, for (two on April 16 and one on April 21,
domestic violence; assault. Cacilhas will appear in Haverhill District Court on Aug. 2018); giving false information to a law
6. *** enforcement officer to implicate an-
other on May 17, 2018; six counts of
On July 7, Haverhill Police arrested Robert Kyllonen Jr 31, of Woodsville, for violation of conditions of release (one
driving while intoxicated. KyllonenwillappearinHaverhillDistrictcourtonAug. 6. on June 18, 2018, three on Nov. 14,
2018, one on Jan. 6, 2019 and one on
OnJuly7,HaverhillPolice tookRobertKyllonenJr 31,ofWoodsville, into Feb. 11, 2019); violation of abuse
protective custody for drunkenness, prevention order on November 14,
2018; and eight counts of vehicle
On July 9, Haverhill Police arrested Phillip Pereira, 42, of Haverhill, for sex operation with suspended license
offender registration; failure to comply. Pereira will appear in Haverhill District (DLS): on April 3 and 19, May 17,
Court on Sept. 17. June 14 and 18, 2018 and Jan. 6, Feb.
5 and 11,2019. The arresting agencies
moved to Woodbury, whereherparents GROTON--Marilyn Ginette Hatch-Ruiter, 81, of Groton, went to be withher On July 13, Haverhill Police cited in lieu of arrest Charles Fenn Jr 46, of werethe Thetford Police Department
owned and operated the country store in Lord and Savior on July 17, 2019 passing away peacefully with her two daughters Haverhill, for reckless conduct. Fenn will appear in Haverhill District Court on Aug. and Vemont State Police in St.
Woodbury village which is still there at her side and her favorite hymn, Amazing Grace, playing next to her. Ironically, 6. *** Johnsbury and Bradford.
today, two red cardinals appeared at her window on the birdfeeder as she drew her final Arraignments
She attended school in Woodbury breaths. We believe this was God's way oftelling us itwas time for her to goto HaverhillPolicerespondedto and/or investigated the following calls: On July 2, Briand Quintin, 23, of
andHardwick, graduating from Hardwick heaven. July 1, responded to Connecticut Street and took a report of theft by Barre pleaded innocent to DLS on
Academy in 1943. After graduation, MarilynwasbomonDec.5, 1937,oneoffivechildrenborntoMaryandJohn unauthorized taking. This case is currently.under investigation. May 20. The arresting agency was
Thelma worked at Ware Knitters in Hatch of Groton. July 4, took a report of a missing person. This case is closed due to the person failed to appear for a status confer-
Hardwick, and later was seeretary to the SheattendedGrotonElementarySchoolandGrotonHighSchoolgraduating beinglocated. *** VSP (Middlesex). On July 10, she
president of Sam Daniels manufacturing near the top of her class. She also played basketball and was known for her good ence; an arrest warrant was ordered
inHardwick, all aroundplay. Later onin herlife shewouldgatherthegirls of Grotonon Saturdays and bail was set at $500, concurrent to
On Jan. 10, 1947,shemarriedLewis wheretheywouldgotothecommunitybuildingtoplayandleamthefundamentals July7,respondedtoPineParkandtookareportofendangeringthewelfareof existing bail in Orange County.
B. Rodriguez in the house in Hardwick ofbasketball, a child. This case is currently under investigation. ***
that became their lifelong home. Lewis After graduating high school, Marilyn married her high school boyfriend, Henry *** Genesis Francis, 3 1, of
died on Dec. 28, 2007 after 60 years of Sanville, and they settled in Groton and raised four children, Tim, Dave, Joan and July 8, responded to Armory Lane and took a report of criminal mischief. This
marriage. Julie. She had one more son but he died shortly after his birth. They divorced 17 case is currently under investigation; responded to Dartmouth College Highway and Williamstown pleaded innocent to
giving false information to a law
Thelmawas a stay-at-home mom for years later and Marilyn took on the responsibility of raising and providing for her took a report of theft by unauthorized taking. This case is currently under enforcement officer to implicate an-
many years, as her family and home were family. It was then she began her career in journalism writing and taking photographs investigation.
most important to her. She later worked forthreedifferentnewspapers. SheeventuallybecametheeditoroftheJournal *** other on May 14. The arresting agency
was VSP in Middlesex
at the plastics factory in Hardwick, and Opinionwhereshecontinuedtogrowthenewspaper. She eventually hadto step July 9, responded to Pine Street and took a report of an unattended death; ***
Sprague Electric in Barre. She enjoyed down dueto her failing health but she still continued to write stories for the paper responded to Airport Road and took a report of criminal mischief. This case is Allison Claire Mcgovern, 22, of
cooking, crocheting, knitting, bird right up until she began her stay at Hanover Terrace. currently under investigation. *** Westport, CT pleaded innocent to
watching, andpicking berries from which Marilyn was an advocate of the handicapped and developmentally delayed.
shemade amazingjellies,jams, andpies. She, along with her longtime friend Winnie Pined, a former special education July 10, responded to Central Street and took a report of willful concealment; vehicle operation with excessive speed
on May 29. The arresting agency was
She was a member of the United teacher, founded an organization to help those less fortunate become productive theft. This case is currently under investigation. Responded to Benton Road and VSP in Royalton***
Church of Hardwick and often made membersofthecommunitybyhelpingthemfindjobsandusefulwaystocontribute tookareportofsuspecteddrugactivity. Thiscasehasbeendeemedunfounded.
delicious goodies for different church to their community. ShewashonoredinMontpelierbythegovemorwithanaward RespondedtoDartmouthCollegeHighwayandtookareportoftheftlost/mislaid Brittany Wakefield, 22, ofBradford
functions as well as her exquisite for special service to her community, something she was very proud of. property. This case is currently under investigation, pleaded innocent to simple assault on
crocheted doilies for church bazaars. Marilyn was a woman of many hats and was always involved in the community ***
June 9. The arresting agency was VSP
Sheissurvivedbyherson, NormanservingonvariousboardssuchastheBMUSchoolBoardandassistanttotheTown Julyl2,respondedtoCentralStreetandtookareportofcriminalmischief.This inRoyalton. Wakefield was granted a
Rodriguez and wife Linda of Barre; Clerk of Groton. She Was also responsible for obtaining the land and grant money case is currently under investigation.
daughters Linda Gross and husband to build Clark's Landing Apartments where she was offered her pick of the *** change of venue for a charge of
ClifionofBradfordandAnnFecteauand apartments. Sheremainedaresidentthereuntil a fall and failing health forced her July 13,respondedtoDartmouthCollegeHighwayandtookareportofdealing violation of conditions of release on
June 9.
longtime companion Brian Forint of stay at Hanover Terrace. counterfeit goods. This case is currently under investigation. Responded to ***
Hardwick; grandchildren Michael Gross Marilyn resided at Hanover Terrace for the last five years of her life. She was Dartmouth College Highway and took a report of fake sales receipt/UPC code.
(wife Lois)ofTunbridge, Daniel Gross well liked and could often be found in the community room playing games This case is currently under investigationg. JunctionDavid Kendall,failed to25'appear fWhiteforRiVeran
(wife Carmen) of East Corinth, Sara or entertainingthe staffandresidents with her piano playing.
Lory (husband Adam) of Hyde Park, Marilyn is survived by two daughters and one son, JoanCallandhusbandKen Haverhill Police responded to the following accidents: July 4,Benton Road, arraignment on a charge of DLS on
May 20. The arresting agency was
andDr. BrianRodriguez (wife Lynne) of ofLittleton, Julie Gadapee andpartner Brian Thompson of East Corinth, and Dave single car motor vehicle; July 5, Dartmouth College Highway, single car motor VSP in St. Johnsbury.
Montpelier; great grandchildren Ben- Sanville of Groton. She was predeceased by her oldest son, Tim, in 1994; her vehicle accident; July 6, Briar Hill, single car motor vehicle accident; July 12, ***
jamin, Emily, Abigail, Brittany, Casey, daughter-in-law, Rose, in 2019; and her second husband, Dirk Ruiter. She also Dartmouth College Highway, single carmotor vehicle accident. Jordan Godin, 23, of Randolph
Mason, and Makana Gross, Asher and leaves behind eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. ***
Mason Lory, and Isabella Rodriguez. A graveside service at the new Groton Village Cemetery will be held on July HaverhillPolicerespondedto the following: vinverification (four); welfare check denied violation of probation as filed
Besides her husband and parents, she 26 at 11 a.m - (four); alarm activation (three); suspicious person-no crime (four); assist other on July 1. The probation stemmed from
was predeceased by her brothersRicker Funeral Home and Cremation Care of Woodsville is in charge oftlfe~'~ agency (five); citizen assist (four); lost property (one); sfaspieiouS gctivity (one);influenced convictiOnon Orjulydrivingts; 2018."~qn~ Thethe
animal complaint (one); Civil fiaatter'no crime (one); unfounded complaint (one); arresting agency was the Randolph
Fletcher.Kenneth'N rman'H wardandDavid " noisecomplaint(two);sexoffenderregistration(four);open/unsecureddoor(one); Police Department.
Her funeral service will be held July domestic dispute-no crime (two); request to speak with an officer (two); 911 hang ***
Hardwick.27 at 11 a.m.Thereat theareUnitedno Journey th rou gh up (two); pistol permit application (one) Kristophere R. Perkins, 28, of
Interment will be at the convenience of the ' rug belt' Haverhill Police issued the following warnings and citations: speeding (37); Thetford Center failed to appear for a
multiplebeamlighting(six);yellow/solidlineviolation(two);taillampandreflectors status conference; bail was set at
$500. On July 11, Perkins denied
HAVERHILL Join DeWitt (two);defectiveequipment(two);uninspectedvehicle(one);impropertum(one); (before Judge Mary L. Morrissey)
Mallary at Court Street Arts on July unregistered vehicle (one). violation of probation as filed on June
25 at 7 p.m. for Woven Identities, a ***
journey through the "rug belt," a Allindividualsarepresumedinnocentunlessanduntilfoundguiltyinacourtof 5. The probation stemmed from a
conviction for vehicle operation with
Delivering On A Promise region running from Turkey east law.
reckless or gross negligence, amended
into China. from DUI (second offense), on May
From ancient times through the 22, 2017.
early 20 century in the Near East, VERMONT STATE POLICE Senteneings
designs woven into utilitarian ob-
Propane Heating Oil Diesel jects were one expression of tribal BRADFPRD OnJuly4at9:30p.m VermontStatePolicerespondedtothe Langdon Lyon, 33, of Chelsea
Heating Equipment Installations identity. Mallary's talk and exhibi- report of a male chasing a female aroundthe streets in Wells River. VSP located admitted violation of probation as filed
tion illustrates themes and varia- thefemalewhoreportedshewasassaultedbyherboyfriendJacobShawney,31, on June 5. The probation stemmed
of Wells River. Shawney was located driving around WeUs River and subsequently from a conviction for DUI, second
189 Railroad St St. Johnsbury, VT North Haverhill, NH tions in antique weavings from tribal
(802) 748-8934~ (800) 222-92761 (603) 787-20881 (800) 788-3002 groups in Iran, Afghanistan, and arrested for domestic assault. He was arraigned on July S. offense, on April 6, 2018. The
** arresting agency was VSP in Royalton.
western Central Asia. On July 16 at 3:14 p.m VSP responded to a single-vehicle crash on Route 5 ***
These are ob)ects that were north, near the ledges, in Fairlee. Investigation found Arianna Bolles, 16, of Kenneth A. Hall, 54, of
made for domeshc use and con-
Bradford lost control of the vehicle and went off the road. She was transported to Williamstown pleaded guilty to do-
sumption, not for export. Some Dartmouth-HitchcockMedicalCenterwithminorinjuries. mestic assault on July 26, 2018. A
/ (Ir were everyday utilitarian objects, *** felony of aggravated domestic assault
Swenson Insurance. ency and some were made for special OnJulyl7at9:56a.m VSPconductedatrafficstoponScottHighwayin inthefirstdegreewasdismissedbythe
occasions, particularly weddings. Ryegate for a motor vehicle violation. Investigation found the operator, Cassie state. The arresting agency was VSP in
Proudly representing the Union Mutual Fire lnsurance Company Most are made from wool, with Boyce,36,ofGroton, had a criminally suspended license. Boyce was taken into Williston. Hall was sentenced to serve
brilliant colors made from natural custody and transported to the Bradford outpost for processing. Boyce was 12 to 18 months and pay $147 in
for over 35 years in Vermont and New Hampshire. Union Mutual dyestuffs, processed with tech- released on a citation to appear in Caledonia County Superior Court onAug. 26 surcharges.
has been a dependable New England insurance carrier since 1874. niques developed and refined over as well as issued a civil violation.
Offering Home, Auto and Small Business policies tailored to your many centuries. ***
needs. Give us a call to see what we can do for you. Exhibition tours are July 24 to On July 22 at 11 p.m VSP respondedto aresidence in Corinth for areport of
27 from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. and July 28 an assault. Upon arrival, investigation revealed Robert Flye, 45, of Corinth, had
at 3 p.m.
~7 pointed a firearm at a household member while making threats against that person.
UNION M~T~J~L it was determined Flye also assaulted a household member on several other
occasions. Further investigation showed
Flye attempted to take possession of a
household member's phone to prevent
that person from calling for help. Flye
134 Main Street Union Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was arrested and lodged. He was
ordered to appear at Orange County
Bradford, VT 139 State Street Superior Court on July 22. LOVE REQUIRES
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by Dr. Dennis Prutow
WWW. SWENSONINSURANCE.COM After forty years of wandering and
grumbling the people just didn't get it.
After all the miracles in Egypt, the
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people did not understand the grace of
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